August 2021 – Everything Coming Soon

I’m late, I’m late! *rounds around like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland* I moved! I’ve been busy! LIFE! Butttt better late than never, right?!
Welcome to Everything Coming Soon – August 2021. All the upcoming releases are in one place. Or, at least, all the things on my radar. If you know of any releases I’m missing please comment below or Share A Release and I’ll add them! Releases are listed by date.
It’s important to note that this post won’t really be finalized until the end of the month. As new events are created and discovered they will be added. It’s an ever-evolving updated every Sunday-ish feed. Want to stay up to date? Subscribe to the blog!

Woo hoo releases!

Alchemy Lacquers
What: The Light Fantastic Collection
When: August 1st at 12 pm EDT
Alchemy Lacquers Shop / FB Group

Polish Pickup (PPU)
What: An indie marketplace that is open once a month for four days. Each month features a new theme. This is a pre-order shop.
When: 6th through 10th (Pre-order)
Theme: The 4 Elements
Polish Pickup Store / FB Group

Wildflower Lacquer
What: Up a Creek: Volume 4 & 5
When: August 9th at 1 pm EDT to August 14th at 12: 55 am EDT
Wildflower Lacquer Shop / FB Group

The Charity Box
What: An indie collaboration dedicated to raising money for various charities
Theme: Folklore
When: August 12th through August 21st – Pre-order
Price: Varies, items are purchased individually
The Charity Box Shop / FB Group

BCB Lacquers
What: Rainbow Sherbet Collection
When: August 13th
Fandom Flakies
What: Fandom Flakies is a monthly box featuring Bee’s Knees Lacquer and Night Owl Lacquer with a guest maker each month
Guest Maker: Painted Polish
Theme: Firefly
When: August 13 through the 20th – Pre-orders
Price: $30.00 + Shipping
Fandom Flakies Shop / FB Group
Geekish Glitter Lacquer
What: Ravynia for Geekish Glitter Lacquer Collab
When: August 13th
Price: Trio for $34.99 or $12.00 individually
Geekish Glitter Shop / FB Group
Olive Polish Group Custom
What: Olive Polish Facebook Group is a place for all olive polish lovers. The group features a maker each month to make a group custom olive polish
Who: Geekish Glitter Lacquer
When: Breloom is available August 13th through the 31st
Price: $10.00
How do I get it: Join the Olive Polish Group
Vapid Lacquer
What: Friday the 13th Bath Bomb Offering
When: August 13th
Price: Varies

Hella Handmade Creations (HHC)
What: An Indie marketplace that opens once a month featuring a variety of items for pre-order.
When: August 14th through August 22nd (Pre-order)

Nailed It! Nail Polish
What: Book Club Collection
When: August 15th through August 21st
Price: Whole collection for $62.50 or $13.00 individually
Polished Gamers Box (PGB)
Disclaimer: I am a PGB paid employee
What: An Indie marketplace that is open once a month. Each month features a new game theme and items are inspired around that them
Theme: Legend of Zelda
When: August 15th through August 20th (Pre-order)
Price: Items are sold individually, prices vary

Sparkle & Shine
What: Mystery Overpour Sale
When: August 20th at 8 pm EDT
Price: Varies
Sparkle & Shine Shop / FB Group

BCB Lacquers
What: Smoke Collection & Sapphire (monthly gem)
When: August 27th
Bee’s Knees Lacquer
What: Second half of the From Blood and Ash collection
When: 27th at 12 pm EDT
Price: Varies
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The Polish Nook’s “What’s In The Box!?” Halloween Advent went up for pre-order on 8/13/21. 13 exclusive indie polishes – All Polish, All Different Makers. Boxes will ship Sept 20-30. Priced at $130 plus shipping (USPS Priority). Website offers Shop Pay Installments.